• How To Avoid Motion Sickness When On A Cruise

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How to Avoid Motion Sickness When on a Cruise

Enjoying a cruise is a great way to see Hawaii's scenic views and appreciate it's amazing ocean life.
At Waikiki Beach Activities, the Spirit of Aloha is the newest and largest catamaran boarding along Waikiki Beach. Our Friday
Fireworks Dinner Cruise and Sunset Cocktail Cruise offer unique experiences and views that you won't soon forget. To fully enjoy your cruise experience, here are some tips to help avoid motion or sea sickness.

Keep the horizon In sight - If you're starting to feel dizzy, continue to glance at the horizon. Don't stare at it but just keep it in your sight. As your body adjusts to the new movements of the boat, the horizon will be your point of reference. If possible facing forward on the boat instead of on the side.

Don't use your camera, phone or read for too long - Doing these things can make your symptoms worse and make you feel even more off balance.

Stay out of direct sunlight - Heat and dehydration can help bring about the symptoms of seasickness. Make sure you also drink lots of water and stay out of direct sunlight.

Get Fresh Air - If you start to feel motion or seasickness, get some fresh air, lie down and close your eyes. Keep your mind off being sick and just stay calm as anxiety can contribute to seasickness. Also try to avoid strong smells such as the exhaust of the engine or guests with strong perfumes as that can make your nausea worse.
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