• Beach Safety - Watch Out For Ocean Critters

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Beach Safety - Watch out for Ocean Critters

Hawaii's beaches one of the most beautiful beaches in the world. There are plenty of options for a fun day by the beach, from various water activities to a relaxing time just sunbathing and swimming.

While it's easy to get distracted and let your guard down, be sure to keep an eye out on some sea creatures that can be dangerous. Here are a few of them:

Coral - Be sure to watch your step and be careful surfing and boogie boarding over a reef in shallow water. The edges of the coral can be very sharp and can cut your skin. If you get cut, disinfect the area carefully to prevent infection.

Jellyfish - Jellyfish are clear, tentacled creatures that give off an irritating sting. The box jellyfish is commonly found near the shore. Every month, about 9-12 days after a full moon, jellyfish drift close to shore. Signs will usually be posted in areas with heavy jellyfish invasion. In case you get stung, do not scratch the area. Rinse your skin with ocean water or freshwater. If you experience an allergic reaction and have breathing difficulty, call 911.

Moray Eels - Eels live in caves in the reefs, they are usually harmless unless they feel threatened. Don't put your hand in it on any openings in corals or rocks. If an eel swims near you, stay calm. Let it go about its way and don't touch it. In case it bites you, do not forcefully jerk your hand back. Moray eels have backward-pointing teeth so it can be difficult and even more painful to forcefully pull one's hand or finger out of their mouth. Instead, wait for the eel to let go by itself.

Portuguese Man-of-War
– Like jellyfish, these creatures can cause a painful sting. Portuguese Man-O-War's translucent bodies may be pink, blue, or violet. If a sign goes about warning you about these creatives, watch your step and stay out of the ocean.

Sea Urchins - Sea urchins live in reefs and can sometimes be hidden in small corners. Be sure not to touch them and watch your step when in the water. The sea urchin's needles and their poison can be extremely painful once it gets under your skin.

Sharks- Most shark attacks occur when these predators confuse humans with their regular food in the ocean. If you're on a surfboard, a shark might think that you're a seal. Try surfing in groups and avoid the evening and early morning hours and pay close attention to the signs on the beach.

When snorkeling, avoid being in the middle of a school of fish and watch out for how the marine life moves. If you notice that they have fast and erratic behavior, you should get back to the beach quickly.

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