• Ocean Safety Tips

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Ocean Safety Tips

Swimming in the beach is a fun way to spend your Hawaii vacation. Be sure to follow these Ocean Safety Tips to help you stay safe in the ocean.

Swim in designated areas with a lifeguard present - If you or a member of your family is not an experienced swimmer, it's best to find a spot on the beach where there are lifeguards present. Not only does this provide you peace of mind but it also ensures that help is just a few steps away in case of an emergency.

Find a buddy! - Don't venture out alone when swimming in the ocean. Fast-moving currents or waves may come and having a buddy can help ensure that you are both watching out for each other in case of an emergency.

Stay within your skill level- Its easy to get carried away while enjoying Hawaii's beautiful oceans. But if you're not a skilled swimmer, don't venture too far out or choose a beach that doesn't have too much strong waves or currents.

Be aware of the weather and potential hazards - Check the ocean conditions before entering the water and be sure to look out for any warning signs posted or ask a lifeguard about water conditions, beach conditions, and potential hazards.

Enter the water feet first - Always enter shallow or unknown waters cautiously, feet first. Never dive head first into surf and dive only in water that's clearly marked as safe for diving, at least 9 feet deep with no obstacles.
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